Buddy Muhler is a science educator dedicated to making science fun and engaging for audiences of all ages in the Greater Philadelphia region. Buddy spent 20 years at the Franklin Institute where he trained in inquiry-based learning, led a variety of science classes, workshops, and demonstrations, and ran their summer and overnight camp programs. These days, you can find Buddy working in school programs at the Academy of Natural Sciences or at a variety of events around the city with his trusty telescope. When he is not making science easy to understand and enjoy, Buddy can be found rooting for all of the Philly sports teams, winning "Best Beard" contests, managing a Center City Softball League team, and tearing it up at karaoke. To see where Buddy will be next, head on over to the events page. To see what he's been up to recently, check out the blog!
On the roof of the Franklin Institute with a Celestron telescope - this is the same type of telescope I use for all of my events!
Buddy's Star Party on Lemon Hill was an amazing time! Not only did we get to see the Moon, Jupiter, and some Galilean moons, but Buddy even taught us the difference between refracting and reflecting telescopes! Buddy was great at making science fun and easy for everyone there - from the little kids running around to the adults who brought their own telescopes. I can't wait to get to another event soon!
- Sarah from Haverford
I went to Deck the Alley at Elfreth's Alley and not only did I get to see 20 historic homes, I also got to see Jupiter and two of its moons with Buddy! I couldn't believe how much he was able to show us on a cloudy evening!​
- Pat from Brewerytown